" No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow"- Lin Yutang It's a surreal feeling, arriving back to Ireland after a full month of living in a fantasy. I anxiously watched the ocean stretch out below me, waiting what seemed like forever for the beautiful Irish green countryside to merge with the crashing waves below me. Once I saw the first glimpse of patchy greenery, a smile spread across my face- who knew I would miss this little island so much? Our final stop on our European tour was to Munich, Germany. Aka, my homeland. German blood runs deep through my veins, and definitely has something to do with my drink of choice (uh, beer please). So we checked into our hotel and found a restaurant where we promptly had our first liter of beer. Yes, a liter. The mugs were unreal sized, and the beer was extraordinarily tasty- and only a small glimpse as to what we would experience during Spring Fest. When ...