I used to be positive that I peaked at the ripe age of 16. I flourished in high school, and probably a little too often felt like I, personally, owned the hallways of West High. I was skinny, with extremely long blonde hair and a brand new freshly braces-free smile. I finally lost all my baby-fat, and it was when I started to realize that I was, in fact, a girl. It was at 16 when I finally got a guy to notice me, and ended up snagging my first boyfriend. Yeah, 16 was a beautiful year. Then I got to college. Why did I ever think that I peaked in high school when I had so many more fun-filled years ahead at Iowa. I guess I didn't really do anything to that would qualify as "peaking", but I finally started to figure out who I was- and I knew I was more than just that skinny blonde girl from high school. Turning 21, I felt on top of the world, and that I was totally invincible- the day after really proved me wrong. My junior year I packed my bags and left for Ireland, wher...