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Showing posts from May, 2015

And in the end, it all seemed so arbitrary

"It all seemed so very arbitrary...No matter how you get there or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place a home" - Creed Bratton, The Office finale. Who knew a stupid show about a paper company would be able to sum up the most incredible four years of my life--yet it did, flawlessly. The Office, the show that single handily defined my senior year (watching the entire series with all my roomies snuggled up on our love seat), is more than just a show. It's only fitting that the final episode made me spew waterworks in an absolutely disgusting way. This happened last night, when my last remaining roommate convinced me that watching the finale was a good idea- in honor of her last night in Iowa City. Well, it was full of fabulous quotes about how life changes when you meet the right people and immerse yourself into your environment...que the post-grad feels and tears. It seems impossible that four years ago I was leaving high school ...