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Showing posts from October, 2015

Week One: Feeling Unstoppable

In the wise words of Rodney Atkins/ Winston Churchill (equals, right?), "If you're going through hell, keep on going". It's officially been one week of the 21 day fix, and after the third day I doubt I would have made it if I hadn't had that quote above running through my head. In a quick synopsis of my week, it very much was a huge adjustment that my body initially didn't know how to react to. I was irritable, crabby, exhausted, and so bitter that I couldn't eat the chocolate bar I had previously stored at the office. Or worse- I had to turn down beer with coworkers, friends, and family one more than one occasion. If you know me at all, beer is my go-to. It's my thing. A self-proclaimed beer connoisseur of sorts. Anyway, as Friday hit (day 5), I knew there was no way I was turning back. By Friday, i woke up feeling absolutely on-top of the World. Never did I ever think I would receive the support I did from posting my message on Facebook. I had fr...

Time to Change.

You know what's strange about society? We're so quick to point out the flaws of others, but avidly avoid publically admitting any flaws of our own. We post pictures and edit them with filters and angles and clothing designed to make us appear the way we want to be perceived...with the hopes that society won't notice what we're trying to hide underneath it all. But you know what I'm sick of? Hiding. Ever since I was a young chickadee, I've always felt the need to hide something. From my kindergarten crush laughing at me on the playground, or my 6th grade crush who told me I was fat and ugly, I've always been confident in my personality, just not so much in my appearance. I was constantly dressing like a boy, wearing oversized clothes, anything to detract attention to my figure or my body. By the time I hit 8th grade, all of a sudden I couldn't keep weight on. After years of being chubby and "unattractive", I didn't know what was happenin...

Why we can learn from our dogs.

BeyoncĂ© once asked, "Who run the world?", and she then answered for all of us when she obviously said, "Girls"...I mean it's true, we (as a collective gender) gave birth to the world. However, I think Queen Bey forgot something very important when it comes to people, and those who rule it--it would be impossible to run anything if you didn't have (hu)man's best friend by your side. Not only do dogs selflessly provide us with something to pet and keep us warm at night, but they provide us with undeniable and unrelenting love and affection. It would be pretty lonely ruling the world without a dog there to put a little pep into your step. It seems silly, really, that dogs don't get any credit for making the world a better place. It also seems silly that I'm even thinking about dogs ruling the world (hey, that's not a horrible idea). But I think there's some value into considering that while humans can change a dogs life, it's just as...