The stalker that is. I did a pretty good job of dodging, diving, and ducking him yesterday... I may have run outside the side door of Van Allen and hidden behind two people (a couple at that.. thanks Kat) in hopes that he would continue his walk far away from me. He stood on the corner and looked around for a bit but finally continued on his way. Thank God. However my luck ran out today.
I was in a coma of a nap (my most favorite part of any day) when my alarm finally went off. When you wake up to a song with lyrics "ANOTHER ROUND GOING DOWN LIKE WATER, I WANNA GO ALL NIGHT LONGER" it's really hard to not get up. So i shuffled on my birkenstocks (no, I am not a lesbian) and looked at the clock- great 15 min to get to Burge, normally a 20 minute walk. Luckily my mom called and asked if I needed a ride to class, with 2 minutes to spare I strolled into class (you da best momma). However there were only two seats left because we combined discussion classes. two minutes later, incomes the stalker. Took the only empty seat....right next to me. So, that's fun. I angled my chair away from him yet I could still feel his eyes starring at me. vom. I thought things were going fairly well (by that I mean he didn't try to talk to me...or touch me...) until my TA, who's cool as balls, yet doesn't speak a lick of English decided to do a demonstration. He was talking about how expensive it is to go to a baseball game with a family of 4, to help us visualize he picked out a family. I was my TA's wife (obviously because i was beautiful- well, more like the only girl in the class) and we needed two kids. Obviously he picked my stalker to be my child.
In related news, I found a way to avoid him after class and the awkward walk home... the bathroom. If I stay in there long enough (Maybe can fake really bad gas....or cramps?? lolz...) he can't wait for me! Yeay.
Also, RIP to the squirrel who was stuck in the tree outside of Kappa. You were a vocal creature.
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