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Showing posts from October, 2012

When Life hands you Lemons

Not everyday is rainbows and butterflies.... Adam Levine you are so right (marry me?)  but its true. We can't have every day be perfect, things go awry, and the sun don't shine down. But even after something disappoints you, you still have to remain positive. Yesterday came at me like a boxer, throwing hit after hit. It was as if everything I touched turned to shit instantly. But after multiple hits I knew there was something I still had to look forward to; Caroline. HBO aired a segment on my dear friend who passed away in a tragic accident. I knew seeing her smiling face on television would make any bad day instantly turn around. It was magical, it was inspiring, it was emotion- but most of all it was reassuring. No matter what I'm going through in my day, good or bad, I know I have some beautiful people watching over me. There to pat me on the back for a job well done, or to remind me that everything will be ok. I have people above me to guide me through my mistakes and...


Today was an adventure. Not only did i strangely wake up chipper when my alarm clock went off, but i didn't fall back asleep. Alright, that doesn't happen. So I got ready, I even put a scarf on to spice things up and some zebra rain boots. Because every girl is required to wear rain boots if there's a chance of rain. Duh, it's like the rules of feminism! The rain boots came in handy because the weather was like a sack of soggy dogs, it was ruff. teehee. But really, walking two miles while rain is being pelted in your face is a fun game. Whatever I totally deserved a red velvet molly's cupcake with vanilla frosting on it. As I was sitting in Molly's with my friend Spector, I noticed two men sitting at a desk next to us. It looked as if they were in a deep, serious conversation. Then I saw it. A Bible. As Spector and I casually chatted about all our nights that ended in regret, confusion and copious amounts of vomit- These men were praying for us. They had the Bi...


Its been some time since exciting adventures had happened in my life- I mean obviously things are always interesting but sometimes Weeds take priority over everything (blogging, school, exercise- whatever it happens). So I will catch you all up.. Subway Bitch- Every day there are two men that sit on the corner of Washington and Clinton and always hold signs up that say "Anything will help". I was feeling extra happy and helpful so I asked our chef if he would have extra dinners I could take to them. RJ, being the sweet soul he is, took control of my mission to cure homeless hunger and packed them both dinners (napkins and forks included). I walked the mile down to the corner and of course one of them wasn't there. Alright coolio, this lucky dude gets two dinners (pulled pork is the shit too). As i was crossing the street I ran into my friend and had to chat for a little bit and catch up on her life.. literally 1.5 minutes of a meet and greet. Well, within that 1.5 minu...

doorknobs suck

It's been awhile since I've written about every minute detail about my life, a whole three days to be exact. But for those of you who have missed my stories (I apologize if my blog is the only thing that keeps you laughing- you must be a very sad and uneventful person). But great news, passed my kickboxing class- not without falling during my presentation, but whatever its done and I can kick your ass now.  I also took a mid-term last night (yes, one of the ones with stalkerboiiiiiii) and I failed to time it perfectly, to where I slide into class, unnoticed by Steve the Stalker (*Steve is not his real name...well I'm actually not sure). No, I of course got to class 15 minutes early... to study more I guess? Which gave him the prime choice of seating; row directly behind me, looking over my left shoulder. My spine tingled when I saw him ooze into the row, blah. He also tapped me on the shoulder, i did jump- yes that happened. And "had" to ask me what section we we...

Barn Dance

Probably the best weekend at school so far. 2012 Barndance, APhi Pancake breakfast (to cure the hung ones) and dinner at mi casa with all my lady frans? Sweet deal if ya ask me. Getting to dress in cutoff jeans, cowboy boots and a flannel shirt and a red bandana tied in my hair- is always a good time. However having your wine explode in a purse (that wasn't bad Torto), is not ideal. Also, Pregaming the pre game is never the answer. Furthermore, pre-gaming the pre-game alone in your room drinking straight from the bottle is an even bigger no. But whatever, my excuse is that I'm young (I hate myself for even saying much). But good times none the less, good times. My date was a superstar, even if he did pee in a water bottle and throw it out the bus window- hey, if it saved him from a hernia you go bro.  At the bar, I ordered mini corn dogs- that is all. Fell asleep on my date on the bus ride home. For future notice, I'm a good time. Woke up at 8 (...

Pay It Forward

I made the terrible decision to watch Pay it Forward the other night- alone. If you haven't seen it, its an inspiring tale of an adorable tiny Haley Joel Osmet who sets out to change the world one good deed at a time. Well, I cried uncontrollably (alone) for a solid 30 minutes because I wanted to be just like tiny HJO (lets just shorten his name shall we?). But it inspired me to do some random acts of kindness all around Iowa City. I mean, hopefully it wouldn't end up with me getting stabbed in the end like HJO (lucky for you, I survived my adventure-stab wound free). It started out that I was walking past the homeless man that sits on the corner of Washington and Clinton; the one I blogged about earlier. I saw his head hanging low and knew a cupcake would cheer him up. So I strolled into Molly's and ordered a mini red velvet with vanilla frosting (with little heart sprinkles of course!)which happens to be my favorite one. I walked back down to the man, and held out the c...

October will be fabulous

Happy Fall everyone! Or should I say, happy pumpkin spice latte season! Whatever you call it, that beautiful time of the year is here, leaves are changing colors faster than I can change my outfit for the night! In all honesty, fall has always been my favorite season, theres just so much happiness in the crisp air. It makes me want to go to a pumpkin patch, decorate the house, and go trick-or-treating (yeah so what if i'm twenty). But I know this fall will be spectacular, i have barn-dance coming up, a family dinner with all my Kappas, Halloween, HOCUS POCUS SEASON!!!! and my birthday of course! But I knew there was just going to be something to top it all (yes, even better than Hocus Pocus)... I went to bed last night thinking, "tomorrow is going to be a phenomenal day". I couldn't tell you what made me think that, or why tomorrow was going to be a day to put in the books- but i just had that feeling. Well, I had the luxury of sleeping in late (didn't quite make...