It's been awhile since I've written about every minute detail about my life, a whole three days to be exact. But for those of you who have missed my stories (I apologize if my blog is the only thing that keeps you laughing- you must be a very sad and uneventful person). But great news, passed my kickboxing class- not without falling during my presentation, but whatever its done and I can kick your ass now.
I also took a mid-term last night (yes, one of the ones with stalkerboiiiiiii) and I failed to time it perfectly, to where I slide into class, unnoticed by Steve the Stalker (*Steve is not his real name...well I'm actually not sure). No, I of course got to class 15 minutes early... to study more I guess? Which gave him the prime choice of seating; row directly behind me, looking over my left shoulder. My spine tingled when I saw him ooze into the row, blah. He also tapped me on the shoulder, i did jump- yes that happened. And "had" to ask me what section we were in. There were section times on the board. So obviously now I can assume that not only does he live in his car, out of his duffel bag, but that he is also dyslexic and can't read anything. Is that mean to assume? probably, but he stalks me so I can say that.
Totes aced the midterm though, despite the fact I was crying internally the entire time for fear of being stabbed while taking my test (The whole, "if I can't have her, no one can!" saying kept playing through my head. A tad dramatic, but again, he stalks me- so I'm pretty entitled to assume these things.
**Side note, in my creative writing class today a kid pulled the doorknob off while attempting to leave. So as a result, we were locked in the room... and thus doorknobs suck.**
And, on a more serious note- take a minute to appreciate the ones you love. You never know when God may need them back. Caroline Found, its been a hard 14 months without you here to make me laugh, I pray everyday that you watch over me and keep your family safe. I love you, you crazy goon- but I miss you more. 8/11/11
---> for those who need a song for the day, I'll Be Missing You
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