Probably the best weekend at school so far. 2012 Barndance, APhi Pancake breakfast (to cure the hung ones) and dinner at mi casa with all my lady frans? Sweet deal if ya ask me.
Getting to dress in cutoff jeans, cowboy boots and a flannel shirt and a red bandana tied in my hair- is always a good time. However having your wine explode in a purse (that wasn't bad Torto), is not ideal. Also, Pregaming the pre game is never the answer. Furthermore, pre-gaming the pre-game alone in your room drinking straight from the bottle is an even bigger no. But whatever, my excuse is that I'm young (I hate myself for even saying much). But good times none the less, good times. My date was a superstar, even if he did pee in a water bottle and throw it out the bus window- hey, if it saved him from a hernia you go bro.
At the bar, I ordered mini corn dogs- that is all.
Fell asleep on my date on the bus ride home. For future notice, I'm a good time.
Woke up at 8 (punishment for drinking?) and experienced my first hangover. I understand the pain people go through now- I feel for ya muh people. Yet the Aphi pancake breakfast was a cure that was much needed. Carbed me up real good, and settled my uneasy stomach. Excellent. Then set up for a lovely evening with all my hungover/half dead friends for a home cooked meal by my momma and papa. Fit 30 girls in my living room, who knew that could happen. It was a success, I love eating.
Sidebar- a townie in a wheel chair took a picture of me while I was sitting in a booth last night. Not sure how I feel about that.
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